Corrupt system

July 23, 2014

RSPCA supports systemic dog negligence in Australia

Filed under: corrupt system — mmistrz @ 7:48 am

Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty for Animals

As the name suggests the main purpose or a mission of this organisation suppose to be a Prevention of cruelty and neglect.

Organisation claim that part of their operation is to advice government on legislation and enforcement.

Ironically the RSPCA acts in the worst interest of animals.

The dog complaints remains the most numerous of all complaints in Australia. All despite the fact that it is a common knowledge that to complain against dogs is a 100% waste of time. Irresponsible dog owners often say to neighbour who complains : go to council! They do nothing! Ha ha ha.

Since this is a fact, than where is the RSPCA? What they do to allow that?

The situation is much worse.

The mentally incapable, and other dog owners do not care for their dogs at all. They keep their dogs all the time indoor, or on small backyards, and do not take for a walk regularly. The dogs are mentally and otherwise sick. They cry for hours, days, weeks, months and years.

Where is RSPCA? What they do? Are they aware? Do they care?

No, the RSPCA refuse to come when someone reports to them, they refuse to act and they say both ways: the legislation is not allowing them to enforce the proper care, and at other occasion they say that they will not ask the government to change legislation because it is adequate.

Does it mean that RSPCA care for dogs? Not at all.

Is it striving for an excellence as they claim? It is lie! They do everything not to care for dogs.

When reporting to RSPCA, that a dog or number of dogs cry for most of the day and day by day, they dare to say that it is all ok. As long as the owner appears at premises and provide water and food every 24 hours, than all is ok.

Crying dog for days without an end, does it mean an excellence in RSPCA operation?

How about their own statement:

6.Freedom from fear and distress by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering

Does RSPCA try to say that when dog is left alone for 24 hours one is not crying nor in despair, but is declaring overwhelming joy by crying non stop for days and years?

How about another statement of theirs

5.Freedom to express normal behaviour by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animals own kind

Is leaving the dog in a small backyard and never for years letting to have a company with it’s own kind satisfied? Or it is the RSPCA deception of the public?

The RSPCA excuse that they cannot enforce the practice of proper dog care, perhaps is valid?

How can it be when they claim to instruct the government on making and enforcing the policies?

Maybe the RSPCA is not aware that dogs systemically and almost all do suffer?

Not possible at all.

  • They refuse to take the report or enforce it

  • it is a common knowledge that dog complaints are the most numerous of all complaints

  • the number of dogs continually ending up in their shelters is large

  • the number of dogs continually being killed by RSPCA due to hopeless situation of those dogs is large

  • is RSPCA an organisation of professionals or ignorants who have no idea about dog welfare?

  • Just browsing through the dog management act 1995 one must see that there is absolutely nothing that ensures (legally) that dog owners know what is their duty and how to care and what they are facing if not fulfil their obligation. So when there is no legal requirements to care properly for dogs, how any dog managing organisation can assume that all is ok?

  • What the RSPCA have done to ensure that legislation ensures proper dog care? Nothing at all. In fact by stating in case of complaints that legislation is adequate, they effectively approve dog negligence and cruelty.

  • In Australia, the only sure way of making neglected and crying dog silent is to kill one secretly!   Why the RSPCA allow that it is the only solution? Why the RSPCA does not demand the government to find an acceptable solution?

  • When people ask the RSPCA to demand government to change legislation, they refuse. This is an active support of dog negligence and cruelty by the RSPCA. Activists of Australia wide report same situation as here in SA.

When people in society complain to the government, they are totally ignored, they complain to the RSPCA, they are ignored. People become desperate and they kill the suffering dog.

Is this an act of prevention of cruelty by the RSPCA? To drive people to a desperate acts?

Very serious accusation arises towards the RSPCA: this organisation kills regularly large number of neglected dogs. Why? What the RSPCA have done to prevent this situation? What rules in legislation they introduced or proposed which would prevent a situation of unwanted or abandoned or neglected dogs? Why the RSPCA allow that people out of desperation kill the neglected dogs secretly?

Now in light of the above, what is the purpose of the RSPCA?

If the RSPCA did operate as should, we definitely would not need the local councils to deal with dogs at all.

If the RSPCA did operate as should, we definitely would not need the Dog and Cat Management Board.

If the RSPCA did operate as should, we definitely would not need the AIAM.

If the RSPCA did operate as should, we definitely would not need the minister for dogs.


If any of them operate properly, we would not need the RSPCA?

What is going on?

Is it a massive conspiracy aimed only on wasting public money and ensuring the dogs and people nearby do suffer continually?

Unfortunately it is fact of life. The conspiracy and making sure that dogs are neglected, is true.

It would not be an issue if those organisations and offices did not exist. Dogs would suffer as they do but without deception or waste of public money.

Government is quick to blame some odd irresponsible dog owners. It is not true. It is legal to be irresponsible dog owner. Government cannot blame people when government is at fault. And why the RSPCA does not demand government to make dog owners responsible at all time for their dogs which are in 100% dependent on their owners?

It is common that people complain on the neglected neighbours dog, but when they get the dog of their own they do exactly this same. It is that way because they can. It is legal to do nothing, to not care properly for dogs in Australia.

We do not dare to state that Australians are the most cruel people in the World and have joy of neglecting their dogs. They do it because it is easy to do nothing and it is legal.

Surely the introduction of the legislation Australia wide that all dog owners must exercise a full responsibility for their dogs at all times. Yes, as dogs are dependent at all times, the owners must be responsible at all times. Are parents responsible for their children at all times? Yes they are so is the case with dogs. Dog ownership is not compulsory so when one decide to own a dog, one must take full responsibility!

Dog attack is an instant proof and criminal offence. It is a proof that number of issues were neglected by the owner. One of them is a choice of the dog, than the proper training and proper control and proper care. Only in circumstances like an earth quake there is an instant excuse why dog may run astray. But this is not an excuse of such dog attacking anyone or any animal.

Well, if there is a complaints about the dog, than it is an instant proof that owner failed in it’s responsibility.

In case of the dispute, the owner must prove that one have done everything possible to avoid the problem. Simply well cared for dogs do not cause problems. I’ve never heard anyone complaining on the blind people guide dog.

The very fact that the RSPCA supports the government procedures of so called dog management it is on it’s own an act of approving cruelty and negligence.

Here the barking diary is on desk. Society considers that 20min of continual barking is a negligence. The government requires 2 weeks of barking. This ensures the dog to suffer for a month.

Another anti dog and anti social procedure of government is that the single complaint is not a complaint but a number of people in community must agree that it is a problem.

It is extremely irrational approach.

Just in theory only.

If a group of people hate to have a dog on the street, the dog may be well chosen, well cared and cause no problem, but according to the government procedures the dog is a problem.

In another situation only one person on the street may not own any dog and the rest do own and they may neglect their dogs. And government considers it as al ok.

Both opposing situations show that government approach is irrational and insane. It has absolutely nothing in common with dog care nor peace in society.

How come that the RSPCA support government irrational procedures?

There is another major issue.

Without analysing specific procedures. It is all wrong from the government and dog managing organisations like RSPCA, to go the path of the procedures. None of the procedures is designed to fix the problem with dogs.

Even without analysing anything above, any procedures of the government could potentially have any sense at all when the owners in general would care and only one in thousands would be irresponsible. Facts are exactly opposite. One in thousands of owners may be reasonably responsible.

At present when in my local area, there are dozens of neglected dogs and government requires irational barking diary to deal with it for a month, than 2 years of full time job would deal with reporting only the dogs in my local area. The effectiveness of this is exactly zero (ZERO) in my local area and everywhere in Australia.



About Us

Protecting and Caring for All Creatures Great and Small since 1875

Established in London in 1824, the RSPCA was recognised as the first organisation in the world to focus solely on animal welfare issues.

The South Australian body of the RSPCA was formed in 1875 to protect innocent animals against cruelty and provide treatment and care for thousands of sick, injured and abandoned animals.

Our Vision

To be the leading South Australian authority that strives for excellence in the standards of care and protection of all animals.

Our Mission

The RSPCA SA is a charity whose purpose is to:

  • Prevent suffering and cruelty to all animals

  • Continually and actively promote their care

  • Enforce animal welfare legislation in SA

  • Improve animal welfare legislation in SA

  • Provide high quality rescue and welfare services and

  • Raise awareness and lead public debate

Our Purpose

Our work is guided by the 5 Freedoms for Animals:

  1. Freedom from hunger and thirst by ready access to fresh water and a diet that maintains full health and vigour

  2. Freedom from discomfort by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area

  3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease by prevention through rapid diagnosis and treatment

  4. Freedom to express normal behaviour by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animals own kind

  5. Freedom from fear and distress by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering

March 11, 2014

What parties do to Australians

Filed under: corrupt system — mmistrz @ 11:43 am

Most of us complain that Labor Party politicians and Liberal Party politicians do what they want to and do not listen to us. And it is so. They lie whenever they say that they are a public servants. They lie when they say that they are our representatives. They do represent but only their party machine.

This is the reason why lately we see emergence of many minor parties and independents. They try to make a difference, they try to force the leading party to take their voice to consideration and that way to serve society.
But are they really different from the duopoly of the two main parties?
Some do differ and some are same bad as main parties.

Nick Xenophone, he started as an independent then the no pokies party. We have gaming problem as we used to have but he has a lucrative job. When you ask him to represent you, to minimize the injustice and corruption, Nick Xenopnone somehow is not responding or referring you nowhere. Why is it so? Himself being a lawyer, would you expect a lawyer to deliver justice? No way, they live of injustice. Well, he could do something right for society, but then he would definitely stand against his own profession, legal industry. He will never do it because it is his milking cow.

Your Voice Matters, alliance of Vietnam veterans and surgeons, whose main issue is to improve road safety. I have asked them if they know what is wrong with current bad driving and so many fatalities, injuries and other road related trauma. They are unable to pinpoint. They have own opinions on the issue but that’s it. Oh, they have a sincere wish to improve safety. They are not interested to discuss the matter with details to learn what is wrong. They are in my experience interested in discussion nor road safety. In this respect they do not differ from major parties who also say that they want to improve safety.

Family First Party. What I’ve experienced with them, I would relabeled their party – Family Last. Ok, their own family first I may agree. It is not worth to bring my experiences with them only a conclusion. The best they did to terror of major party regarding my family. Ok, government have kidnapped my all four children, handed them in care of fanatical religious sect and stole my home with content and my car. The best Family First could offer me is to pray about my children. My question to the nation: do we need such party which does nothing to families, just pray???

Green Party, beside a nice slogan: keep the bastards honest, did nothing good to society. When I provided them, their fuel, the photo evidence of mass energy waste in form of street lamps in Adelaide burning 24/7 and thousands of them. Greens are absolutely not interested in solving this obvious waste and corruption. Do we need such party at all?

Independent Powerful Communities. Lots of hopes, wishes, talk, visions, but no substance. Just wishes.

Fair Land Tax Party. The improvement they hope to introduce is so negligible that it does not make much sense. Effectively it is waste of time to even talk about this party.

Other parties or independent are either nonsense or actually very good ones with sensible policies and they are people of substance, not just hoping and wishing. It is up to individuals to decide.

What either of the two parties do to society? They promise and than do what they want to do anyway. Regarding representation of citizens, is near zero. With time they hide themselves in their offices and you cannot even rich them by email. They either hide address or do not provide. This is useless anyway because even if you express your wish, grievance, or have an idea, they will never listen to you. Extremely rarely they answer you but the pattern is always this same – they know what is good for you, so, it is not you tell them what you want, but they know better what is good for you. This would explain why they do not provide their address or do not respond and definitely do not do what you want. This is officially called that they represent you. I give you my personal example. The Liberals and later Labors, knew better than myself that kidnapping my children for no reason and allowing them in care of fanatical religious sect is best for my children and for myself. (it is not room here to describe drama which resulted from this). When house prices are out of rich for most citizens it is also in our best interest apparently.
What good major parties do to society? They do, otherwise everything would be very dramatic. They mainly do what is bad for us and good for the party. Let me name a few. Health system. There is no business in keeping society healthy. It is very lucrative business in keeping society unhealthy.
Imagine that you and most people were cured and kept healthy. For this purpose do not ask how, just assume that doctors and the system used the knowledge and kept us healthy.
Ok, imagine yourself as a very good doctor and you have power to heal and prevent illness. If you was allowed (at present you would loose doctor’s license if you did it) to cure all your patients, what would you do then? Would you go to clean offices, or joined the dole cue? There is absolutely no incentives to cure or prevent illness. Zero.
What do you think, why the pharmaceutical industry exist?
Do they exist to help you and help society?
Ask yourself same question as if you were a doctor. Does it pay to invent the medication/treatment/remedy that will cure all and leave you jobless?
How about the huge health department in each state? How much do they want to loose their highly paid jobs and help you to be healthy and enjoy life?
They are no missionaries, they simply live of human misery. Whole health system and ministry and government lives of human misery.

Off course, it does not have to be that way. No worries, not all doctors are evil, many of them live in ignorance and try to do best they are allowed to. They are intelligent people and they would easily find appropriate job matching their intelligence or they could make new jobs, new business. The political system does not let this to happen plus for them it is easy life.
The only losers would be when fairness and justice would be allowed would be the politicians and lawyers.

Interesting is fact that the bigger is the health system and more money are allocated there, the more sick is society and problems are much more serious than decades ago. So simple conclusion; the more government “care” for our health, the more health problems we have. Did you think in reversal? Just do what long time ago was. Do not pay any money for them, than you will be healthier. It used to be that way, it’s nothing new. They bring our health down.

Lamps on at mid day in front of SA Parliament and The Governor

Lamps on at mid day in front of SA Parliament and The Governor

It is not business to the government to do what is good for us. It is good when they deprive us of money and we must pay for their corrupt decisions.

The street lamps are fully on in Adelaide for decades and there is nothing you can do to request government to switch them off during a day. They waste, and you must pay or you not them go to jail. This is a good example of how government represent us and our interests. In SA you are not allowed to criticize corruption.

If you happen to report any corruption to a newly created anti corruption commissioner and nothing is being done, when you reveal it publicly, you go to jail. This is an open way to ensure corruption in SA to continue and to thrive.

Lets now take police and road safety or transport department.
The more of your money police use to install speeding cameras, the more dangerous roads are. Here government and police act according to same pattern as with health system. They rely on dangerous and bad drivers to exist at all.
For them there is no business to make all drivers drive safely and properly.
Police is corrupt and they know no rules and even if they knew, the road rules are not to improve or ensure safety but to milk you of your money. That’s right. You have license and you do not know all the rules by heart at midnight. With a few exceptions, no cop knows all road rules and or properly. Definitely no politician knows them.
So we do have licenses and nobody care if you know all the rules. No need to discuss this. Just think, which rule is not necessary? if there is than why is included in rules? If all are, why we all do not know them?
When you start to analyze the road rules, you discover that the rules allow conflict on the road and no politician is willing to acknowledge and change this. The rules also create dangerous situations. The rules are there to allow to punish you if it is convenient to police. The road rules are not designed to ensure safety.
I bring only part of dilemma with speeding fines. Assume that you are a mature and experienced driver. You are in a hurry, and the road is free, and situation allow you to drive a bit faster than limit. You get the fine and you pay and nothing else. If you start to think clearly and independently, you ask yourself questions. Why I am getting the ticket? Did I do any damage? Did I affected anyone adversely? No to all. Then why am I paying? To improve safety police and government say. But you did nothing unsafe. Just you used an opportunity to drive a bit faster because road was free and it was safe to do so.
Here is an example how likely police would react if safety was truly a government policy.
You would get say $200 fine and for that, you would have to come and sit in front of panel of experts who would invite you to analyze your road crime. They would explain to you logically and you would actually talked to them too. And if you was really bad, they would tell you that the next ticket will be twice as much and much more consequences. You could be referred to a psychologist to assess you if you are capable to control yourself and perhaps to oculist if you can see clearly and perhaps to a driving expert to explain to you or instruct you how to drive safely. Then you would know what you paid for. For the experts who in did would help you not to re offend and to remind you the rules and the road behavior. The panel could decide with consecutive re offense, that you are not fit to hold a drivers, license.
At present, you pay speeding fine and that’s it. There is zero value for money for you and for society and a 100% value for money for police.
Police and government are absolutely not interested in bringing safety to our roads. They are happy when there are plenty of dangerous drivers. Government and police actually push you to commit what they call an offense and then fine you. (I have other posts about those issues).

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK), cover

Photo of the document copied from

The solution?

Above is the solution. We need to unite and demand all politicians act accordingly to out constitution. This is a document which sets the basic rules to live and to prosper. Police and politicians and health industry all work against our constitution. Lawyers hate constitution because they also live lucrative lives on our misery, on ensuring that there are problems.

None of the major parties nor many minor nor many independents do act according to constitution. Most of them act against and only to disadvantage us. Most so called laws or statutes are unlawful.  We the people have power to make or to approve new laws. Nobody asked us for new laws, and they create their own rules only to rob us and to manipulate and to do what they want.  We should demand that all politicians and all government organizations act lawfully according to constitution and never against society. Ask around all politicians, parties and independents, who is to uphold our document a foundation of this nation.

There are some prominent Aborigines who know our constitution very fluently. They are worth to follow in search for truth, in search for justice, in search for peace, and in search for prosperity.  Those people have a good motifs to dig in constitution. Beyond taking their land, the government criminals stole so many of their children.  The government is continuing stealing children from all citizens including my children, our wealth, our homes and our lives. Most of us lives in a dream like state. We have to wake up and bring fairness and justice. We should be able to live of our work and wealth we accumulate or work out or devise. We should be able to decide about our own health, our destiny.

We should not send our children to kill innocent people in other countries because world leaders demand so. We should not engage in new Vietnam, Afghanistan, nor anywhere. We should be a peaceful nation.

If we leave our lives in hands of politicians they will do what is best for them. Let us decide, not allow them decide about us. If we invite the politicians who only act according to our Constitution, they will care for us all.

February 7, 2014

Liberal party ruins Australia

Filed under: corrupt system — mmistrz @ 5:01 am
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Dear readers and fellow citizens 3.02.2014

This is an open letter to you and our „representatives”. Do they represent us or themselves, it is up to you to decide.
Why I do not write direct to „representatives”?
I did. I wrote to my local to be Glenn Docherty, to his boss the Steven Marshall, to out Prime Minister Tony Abbott and to their party. None dared to response. I’ve tried to organize the meeting or the chat by phone. They all failed to respond.

They all say same lies. They promise as all politicians and then they do whatever they want. Here it seems that it will be different. This time they promise to cut the government waste and to control spending and to ease living expenses.
They are just words without any substance at all. I can promise you to take you to the Moon. Give me larger share of your incomes and I make you happy. Will you give me?
Well, if you do not give me thinking that I cannot be trusted, than your decision will be semi irrational. It is true that I have never took anyone to the Moon and it is highly unlikely that I can. But I can promise you.
Now it is well known that your „representants” never deliver to their promise, and you hand out larger share of your income, than this is more than 100% irrational. It is well proven that they have no obligation to deliver nor you can make them to deliver their own promises.

This letter is next letter in response to their empty promise. It is worse than empty. They promise to me more accountable and cut waste. I have requested that they stop street lamps in Adelaide burning in bright day light by their thousands. They did not nor they responded. They have nothing to reply.
Not replying, not agreeing to meet and to discuss, Mr Glenn Docherty, and Mr Steven Marshall, you are already wasting public money by sending another empty promise.

Liberal party never reply therefore they are not my representatives. Federal government hides their ministers and members as never before. There are almost no email addresses to contact them. They do not reply anyway. I have contacted min. for education Chris Pyne and he also fail to respond.

I have pointed a specific issue in South Australia to Liberal Party and to Prime Minister Tony Abbott that here the current legislation ensures total corruption. I mean when you report to a newly formed ICAC a government corruption and it happen that the commissioner is corrupt or inadequate, you by revealing it to public knowledge become a criminal and may go to jail.
This can also be seen as mandatory corruption in South Australia.

Corruption serves nobody.
I suggest, if you care, go in person and write to the government asking for the answers and asking for a positive change and total eradication of corruption.
It is wise to ask the politicians to take full responsibility for their promises and actions or lack of actions.
Ask them to legislate that no government can robb society. The legislation must be clear that government cannot possibly spend more money than it is available in the tresury. New legislation must ban to make us debtors against our will.

According to statistics some 11% of all employees are nannies who are just wasting our money.
They also are mainly employed in two sectors; Health and education.
For health achievements they should all go to jail. Our society is sickier than ever. Education departpment should drop to zero. The only education that makes sense and government controlled is military.
At the end of 2012–13, the NSW public sector employed 399,243 people, which is approximately 11% of all NSW employed persons or 329,336 full-time equivalent (FTE)[5] employees. The majority of public servants (88.4%) provide direct services to the public or to other agencies, for example, as teachers, nurses, medical practitioners, police, fire fighters, bus drivers, family support workers, auditors and IT specialists.

„According to the PSA, in 1991 there were 101,647 full-time public sector workers for a state population of 1.4 million people. By 2012, this had fallen to 85,727 workers serving an increased population of 1.6 million. „

In rough figures it is close to 10 nannies (public servants) to serve 100 citizens.
Let me express it in real terms.
This socialist government. And it does not matter which party rules, we have a socialist government which basically assumes that we all are stupid and cannot survive without the public servants. So therefore we are forced to spend larger part of our income to support them so in turn they serve us and we do not perish. Only at the time of election both parties assume that we know what we do and elect the right people to represent us. Otherwise they make all desicions excluding us.
We are too dumn to know how to spend our money we earn. We are too dumn to know to which school to send our children. We also do not know how to care for our health so we need massive health department, because without it we would be unable to be obese, to get cancer, to have so many and increasingly more serious health problems. That we become healthier is not permitted. The FDA and other agencies care for us that whatever is healthy like a real milk is forbidden and whatever is unhealthy is plentiful. We must surely pay or else face the brutal consequences. We are too stupid to know that energy waste like those I report for years is wrong and someone must go to jail for this massive waste. And the public servants must be well paid to tell us that government is right no matter what we report and that we are wrong. Such information cost money. We must pay for massive Transport Department to make sure we do not have safe roads, nor proper road rules, nor proper policing. This cost lost of money.
We are too dumn to know that police is not to protect us but criminals as I reported earlier. So we have to pay for police to support criminals, to rob us when they take us a photo, and to harrass us when they wish. We are too dumb to know that Ombudsmans are not to serve society but to serve the massive corruption. Without massive corruption our democracy will collapse what may mean the end of our civilisation. So we must pay for this weather or not we want. This is democracy and democracy cost.
Do you realise that the driving rules are designed to rob us of our money and not to protect us? Protection is the last thing the road rules offer.
Did you know that very small proportion of police officers know all the rules by heart?
How then police dare to say that they are determined to protect us.
Did you know that no minister knows all the road rules by heart?
Now you should know than hardly any driver knows all the rules by heart.
Tell me which rule is not required? I will tell you. The road rules is a big mess and the authorities always use this mess to hit you.
If road rules were to protect us, all drivers would be required to know all of them by heart and in midnight.
Many rules are conflicting with one another, many are dangerous and many are fully open for an interpretation. Therefore they are not rules for us to protect us but to rob us of our money. Government, Road department and Police are branches of mafia to rob us. They refuse to implement any good rules to actually ensure safe driving.
Our police is not allowed to investigate the real cause of every crash. Therefore, the dangerous driver who just caused crash, is free to continue to drive dangerously and kill or injure or traumatise other people. Government has blood of innocent people on it’s hands.
On the other hand, it would be disaster when very low IQ police would have right to investigate.
So at present, the government simply does not care if people kill one another or injure or traumatise, as long as police has the power to get our money. It is mafia, not government.
In that matter the government is a 100% irrational and irresponsible. – This is one of many road rage attacks that occur everyday on our roads. I was one of the victims of similar attack. Police is not interested in investigation or charging offenders. Police is against good drivers and backs up dangerous drivers.
Mr Abbott and Mr Marshall and Mr Docherty, the driver on this video, should be deprived of his drivers licence for the next 20 years and immediately detained in psyshiatric asylum until he is safe to be released to the society. For how long will you allow such people walk free and terrorise others with their cars or otherwise?
When you introduce a proper driver training? A proper psychology testing of all prospecting drivers and all reported as engaging in road rage? This very driver a main hero of the video, should be locked for a minimut 15 years. I bet, he will not spent a day in jail or psychiatric ward. Therefore, this government is mafia. This government is acting against society and peace and order.
Police themselves tailgate and also harrass the safe drivers and are happy with dangerous drivers.

What is the alternative?
Just normal life with absolute minimum government intervention in private life at all. This unfortunately does mean the sack of most servants who in fact make everything they can to make our lives hard.
My good feeling that rather than 100 000 public servants in South Australia we should have just less than 1000 of them. They also should be accountable in real terms for whatever they do.
What would they do when sacked?
Go on the dole or create the jobs if they are intelligent.
I did not mentioned that income tax would be cut to minimum say 10% or less. This would make our own business including mining, car industry and many other including farming, more viable and created many more jobs. This would definitely created real wealth.

Dear readers. Let me tell you just one aspect of the waste and socialism in Australia.
The nanny state is absollutely wrong. As your mother in law is normally unable to please you, how possibly the government can. Just start to think clearly. It is not possibly. You are the only person who can make decisions about yourself. Not the government.
Take health system for instance.
Current compulsory health care scheme is a robbery on one hand and is counter productive and not sustainable.
It removes incentives from you to care for your own health and well being.
You are forced to pay this insurance to the point that you cannot afford to care for your own health the proper way, the natural way.
You go to the hospital and see as I’ve recently discovered a more than 300 people que.
Than after many hours waiting you see that an ambulance brings a junkie or an alcoholic who go in front of you. (please forget the socialist sentiments).
The patient was brought against own will and is placed in front of you and consumes large amounts of your money. After treatment one goes to the local pub and starts the cycle again. (if you still think in socialist way, and want to allow one to drink if one wants, why not, but let one also take consequences for this).
No, all that is wrong. The only situation I can see that compulsory insurance has some sense is the real and clear emergency like you fell of the ladder or had a car crash. You should be served free and jump the que.
Otherwise, if you have the cancer or anything, it is up to you to care to prevent or to suffer the consequence. You can pay privately, for private care or you can pay for private advise if you wish or to eduate youself how to care.
This way you do have absolute incentives to care for own health or to gamble it and than face the consequences. By paying massive medical system, you are not helping your own health at all and the evidence shows that the bigger government health system the more sick are the citizens.

Mr Docherty, Mr Marshall, Mr Tony Abbott, are you so naive that you believe in what you say is true? Or you know it is not true but lie to us?
When you do not know how to create the jobs and grow economy, nor are able to establish corruption free police force, how can you promise to improve transport system, how can you say that you improve the cost of living when you have no idea how to do it?
Mr Prime Minister, you soon after getting the office, you applied for raising the debt ceiling. You lie to us all that you want to ease burden and improve economy. You go entirely in opposite direction. And your lower ranking followers just mention, propagate your lies.
Tell us how you want to improve economy?
By borrowing ever more from international bankers? By liquidating more and more industries like the car industry? And than bothering the unemployed? Than blaming the elderly that they are a burden to society. This is very cruel, it is irresponsible and this is a result of government who refuse to take responsibility for own actions/decisions.

You (government) have for decades succesively bankrupted our agriculture, now business and now you promise to revitalise the economy. You say this without demonstrating that you even understand what caused our failing economy.

You dare to say that you revitalise our economy while you seek to borrow more and make more burden on us who never agree to borrow. Borrowing guarantees to increase poverty, to damage failing industry.

Mr Docherty, Mr Marshall, Mr Tony Abbott, the first thing you come to the office you get your immunity privileges and lots of money for destroying country, industry, agriculture and society.
You borrow, leave office and leave your debt for us to pay.
Show us that you stop borrowing, stop wasting, remove all immunities, get all the responsibilities.

How about, gentelman, the kidnapping in Australia. The government have kidnapped my all four children legally, allowed them to be brain washed by the religious fanatical sect and in fact on the grounds of publich school (by Reformed Presbyterians), stole my family home, content and my car.
And you pretend you do not know about it.
How dare you say you invest in next generation when you use violence?
When I protested in various offices demanding return of my kidnapped children, Chriss Pyne, Andrew Southcott and other officers of your party arrested me. Why? I asked for justice. I asked to return my children, I asked to return my home. You arrested me for living on the street. So you arrested me for your own decision to steal my own home. You are criminals.
Now my children grown up, avoid me in the name of Jesus and Liberal party. They do not know why. Don’t you know that it is your decision that you destroyed lives and future so many people and now you dare to lie to the public that you invest in the next generation.

Unless you remove all legislation interfering with family, you are guilty of kidnapping and destroying families. It is terrorism.

It is much worse than waste of the money. Except the true emergency, paediatric and a few exception, the allopathic medicine is a criminal organisation. They kill people. They rob people.
The best you politicians can do is to remove their monopoly entirely and start to prosecute one by one. All so called health department consumes huge amount of money and the result is that more than ever people are sick, chronically sick and live miserable lives. More and more people thanks to your Medicare, cannot afford the prevention and healthy life style. More and more, the system prohibits the healthy practices and products and gives licences to more and more unhealthy products and services. All is fraud, and criminal activity.
The chemotherapy and radiotherapy are ineffective, expensive and are carcinogenic. This is thanks to you, legal and natural remedies which do offer real solution, are illegal.
You are murdering people, you lie to people, you rob people.
Just dismantle health department and medicare altogether. Reduce taxes, allow people to choose healthy life style and their modality of healing when necessary. People themselves must decide weather sharman will help them, the witch doctor, homeopath, herbalist, nutritionist, crystals, alcohol or even medical doctor. People have responsibility to care for own health, not you. If they collectively find any, I mean any particular modality is best for their diabetes, that modality will thrive. They find if the medical doctors are effective for anything, the doctors will thrive.
Now doctors have monopoly because they are absolutely hopeless in anything except true emergency and a few exceptional specialties. They are absolutely hopeless in chronic illnes and prevention. Let people decide, not you.
Common aspirine and related drugs kill more people world wide than any thing else. How can you force this to be the only legal health care.
If you would serve people in truth, you would immediately relabel health care for Sickness Management Institution, according to truth and what they do.

All your claims are unsubstantiated. You have demonstrated that you are unable to manage economy or to govern, serving society.

Dear readers, if you care, go to the liberal representatives and deliver to them this message. Ask them for answers and for delivering their promises. Ask them to sign a declaration that if they fail to deliver their own promises they will be prosecuted and liable of deception and action against society. Ask them to remove parliamentary privileges.


January 25, 2014

5 Pillars of Au policy


Lamps in front of South Australian Parliament House

Hi everyone

While politicians lie or simply just talk and do something opposite, I present the real situation.  Below are two emails I’ve recently posted to our local and federal representatives.

The case I presented is clear and obvious. No reply nor any real life action to stop the waste and corruption.

Therefore Australia remains the country where all political parties approve long term dog negligence and cruelty as well as deny peace for citizens at same time. Also all Australian parties support the energy waste and total corruption.

Such practices are wide spread and last for many years now but the new politicians specifically promise to eradicate waste and to introduce government accountability. They so far are empty words or lies.

Strangely, their expressions are same as lies of Obama and lies of religious leaders.

It is very important that our PM Tony Abbott, makes more than ever hidden government. It is harder than ever to find all of his members and all of his ministers email address. It is even harder to get truthful and positive answer from them.

There is no reaction when corruption is pointed out. They say and refuse to listen to us. This is Tony Abbot’s promised government accountability.

Dear reader, what you can do.

Rather than telling me in comments that you agree or disagree with me, just go to your local or local federal representative and give them 24 hours to stop street lamps on during bright day. Than share your experience with all of us.

You go to your representative and tell them that it is cruel to acquire the dog and neglect one. It is cruelty and we no longer tolerate it. Tell them that we no longer tolerate the highly paid boards and specialists who only ensure that dogs are neglected and there is social problem from this corruption.

Tell them that we need the law which jail corrupt Ombudsmen and investigators who are corrupt.

Tell them that all politicians must be responsible personally for all decisions they make or fail to make. That politicians must pay for street lamps from their own pockets. Tell them that is high time to stop paying politicians for their corruption and lies.

Tell them that mandatory voting is a fraud and must stop. Tell them that if people do not come to vote that election is not valid and that administrator must govern until the candidates are approved by most electors in truly free election.

Tell them that politicians must not tell us what we need but we must tell them and they must do what we tell politicians.

Tell them that we do not want to send our military to any war nor support any war.

Tell them that we want to reduce the public servants more than ten times. We have probably 20 times the number of public servants than we need. They not only do not deliver but they are the obstacle in developing wealth and well being of Australians.


Hi Glenn Docherty,

You’ve sent me your political views a few times. I have tried to contact you and never succeed. I assume that you have tried very hard to contact me back the very minuted and every time I was away.

Since you have sent me a letter again, I do reply to you again.

Previously you have sent me a 5 pillars economy propaganda. I simply wanted to chat with you, to see if you really mean to improve our economy, reduce corruption and introduce the government responsibility or accountability.

So far you failed to discuss a real issues.

Let me take one or two real life examples and see how you are going to deal with them.

First is the dog negligence and cruelty and second is the energy waste.

Though I use local terms this same applies to whole SA.
On the xxxx St in particular but in general whole (suburb) and (another suburb) have same problem. The dogs do cry day and night. They cry for 2-12 hours in a row, day by day and weekends.
Mr Docherty, you have children of your own. Think about the following situation. Suppose your  wife goes to work so you do. You got responsibility to find a proper care for your children. You found and the name of the carer is Ms CEO. She requests hundreds of thousands of dollars salary for the care. You pay because she says she is the ultimate carer and you want your children to be cared properly.
Your wife saw so many times that your children cry for many hours at a  time and nobody attends to them. You get your wife’s complaint and you investigate it. You ask Ms CEO and she deny any wrong and praise her own job. She ensures you that your children are in best hands. Your wife is more and more dissatisfied and she hears others tell her that your children are neglected and in did the children are showing signs of distress. You raise the issue with the carer and the carer requests you to make a crying log book to prove that it is the case. Once you made an effort and did the two weeks your children crying log book. Your heart was broken in mean time that you had to listen the cry of sorrow of your children but since you was determined to make sure that you will have a facts in your hands and even take a legal action if necessary, so you did it. You delivered the crying diary to the carer Ms CEO, and she processed it for another 2 weeks while you argued with your wife and you had real problem and you both were extremely unhappy with the service but the rules of the game are that Ms CEO is the only and the best your babies carer. The carer after two weeks processing, send the request to other parents just other parents asking them to fill the form if they are unhappy with the children care. After another two weeks you got the letter from Ms CEO that your complaint cannot be substantiated and she assures you that your children are in the best care possible. That she  employs the best carers called the inspectors and that they are of very high standard and that they adhere to the strict guidance of the SA Dog and Cat Management Board.
Since you started to complain, months have passed and you cannot hear any more of your babies cry and misery nor of your wife’s complaints, you decided to raise the issue with the Board. They simply ignore you for the first 4 times and than they somehow say that they do care and ask you what you want done. Oh… we are not allowed to do this because legislation does not allow them to. You got stunned and they finished a conversation. Upon discussion with your wife, you contacted the Board again with difficulties because they avoid you and than you ask them to change legislation. This time they tell you that it is a matter of another organisation of the RSPCA. You contact them and they listen to you very carefully and at the end they declare. It is not negligence nor cruelty because your children are given a bottle of water every 8 hours and at the time they see a human face. You start to be upset and raise your voice declaring that it is pure negligence and cruelty. They take your side and say in private, that they agree but legislation does not allow them to do what you expect.
When you ring the RSPCA next time within a few days, you demand them as professionals who know what is right and what is wrong, that they demand government amend the legislation to stop this negligence and cruelty. They then start their official version and say that they cannot see that legislation needs to be changed. Same thing happen when you contact the minister or any other office within the government of SA.
You threaten to stop paying taxes from which the mentioned public servants are paid. They threaten you friendly that you better do not do it because you may very bitterly regret it.
But it is all wrong and you cannot bear any more the cry of your children and the amount they suffer. You try again and again to raise the issue with your local everyone. They even come to your home and at some occasion they hear the baby cry but the next day they deny everything.
You contact the ultimate officer, the Ombudsman and this one ignores you totally.

Mr Docherty, the dogs at St and many streets in SA do cry and are neglected. Some people cannot bear and end their mutual misery by killing the dogs. This is the only sure way of silencing the neglected dogs in SA. Nobody wants to kill them but Mr Docherty, it is the only way!
In fact the dog and neighbours misery is a result of 100% corruption.
To my knowledge Ms CEO of the nnn council gets about quarter to a half a million dollars of the public money.  And in fact she is aware of all above. But this is just the TTP. In whole SA hundreds of thousands of dogs are neglected and it is cruelty and it is corruption.
The described story is based on facts and surely in this story your wife would declare you are mad, psychopath and would divorce you on this basis. Yet the government does this sort of things.
It is absolutely pointless to describe any more details of this madness. It is not waste, it is madness.
This is possible only when total corruption is well entrenched in government.
The dogs are Mr Docherty in 100% dependant on their owners yet the government refuses to legislate that all owners weather industrial or individuals are fully responsible for all actions or consequences of having a dog for only 24 hours seven days a week.
The police, customs and blind people guide dogs are under such a care and it is a pleasure to see them in duty.
Mr Docherty, there is no legislation to care for dogs.
Whatever is called that way, is a product of sick mind. I repeat, we do not have a proper legislation of caring for dogs. You do not have to have a dog, but since you have you must take responsibility for one as you must assume responsibility for your child.  It is insane to request anyone to fill in a 2 weeks negligence and cruelty log called barking diary.

I do not wish to waste any more time on this issue with you. If you have intelligence you should understand it well and you should also know what is right. But I tell you what must be done.
Dog must be properly chosen.
Dog must be properly trained.
Dog must be properly cared for.

Ask the canine specialists what it all means if you do  not know. They are a bare minimum requirements of care and it is not negotiable, it must be mandatory.
You also do not need to create any special police to check if all is ok. In case there is any report even anonymous, your inspectors appear at the property within half an hour and have power to enter without owner’s permission to investigate. Than the owner must prove that the three requirements above are met. If they are met or kind of met, the inspectors would have power to give further instructions to the owner to be fulfilled additionally to avoid neighbours distress and negligence to the dog. It is up to government not me to either ask owner to pay for the inspector visit or the subsequent visits be definitely fully paid by the dog owner. Something much more serious than parking fine.
Mr Docherty, the owners would pay for the service they require. The more irresponsible owners, the more need for inspectors and they would pay for them. It is utterly wrong that victims must pay for inspectors and CEO who’s only job is to ensure that dogs will continue to suffer and cry.
Think about how many good things could be done if you sacked Ms CEO. How many pot holes would be repaired, how  much less expenses would it be for the government and society.
Do you think Mr Docherty that if this half a million paid just for one person be saved, the dogs would be worse off? No it cannot be any worse. But also look how many inspectors, how many highly paid people work for the Board and ministry. Do you think Mr Docherty that society would lose much when the mentioned services were totally and permanently including RSPCA were dissolved and dogs stopped crying because you would introduced a bill for mandatory dog care???

Second issue is the energy waste.

Energy waste is wide spread. The most visible is on our streets. I have attached you only two out of thousands photos. You I believe have good eye sight and you can see on your own.
I suggest, when we have another heat wave  and people have power cut out, tell them that they must be patient because the energy is needed to power street lights during a day.  Those lamps not only just consume energy and create shortage but also cause transformers failure and pollution and early equipment failure.

If you really care, you may arrange the meeting to discuss it further.

University is a bright place

Adelaide University would not be bright without lamps working whole day


Dear Prime Minister Tony Abbott,


Au accepted international system of measurements, government violates own law.
25m is far too complex to learn to use and to understand only because US cannot learn it so we must follow them as slaves

Being sceptical as most of Australians on any promises of any politician, I simply force myself into believing that you may make a small change. I force myself because there is no basis to have much of a hope.
The first and perhaps the only little hope is in what you’ve promised is in scraping the tax for smoke (carbon tax) or in fact the open robbery.
Weather you understand this problem or not, in a few words I can sum the problem. By robbing us and loading international banks with our money, we will not improve climate nor anything. So scrapping this tax is definitely a good thing.

Interesting is your policy of 5 pillars.
Here you are the most wrong along with your party. It is Obama’s policy and you openly follow your master Obama. For some reason people connect such policy with two major religions. Many say that it is belief in faith.

Now is my comment.
Mr Abbott, can you see that our economy plummet?
You do see as you desperately want to impoverish the poor people as I hear in news. You see that we cannot continue the way your boss Obama dictate to you.
But I invite you my representative Mr Abbott, to see that our problem stems from the US problem and their problem in turn comes from the action of the NWO or for this purpose we may say from UN and international banks. The sooner Australia cuts the ties with the crumbling giant, with the number one terrorist of the world US the better for Australia and for everyone.
Perhaps we should apply and join BRICS if they accept us.
Myself and many others see that the closer relations with US the worse is life in Au and our business is steadily dying.
We should not and must not murder innocent people in wars only because US demands us to send our soldiers or support in any other way. The Aussie do not want it and it is morally wrong and it is absolutely wrong. As it was wrong to murder innocent Vietnamese so it is wrong to murder innocent people at present in existing wars and in a future war the international banks want to start with Iran or whoever else. We must stand strongly against US and Israel for their genocide of innocent Palestinians. Until we do that, we are an aggressor and accomplish to a terrorists.
It was on very general note.

You declare Prime Minister that you will make more open and accountable government.
In fact you do the opposite.
Every government consecutively gets more and more secrete and not accountable. This email I send to your party because you chose not to provide your email address on the government website. I have complained to the webmaster who thank me for a feedback and promised to improve but he has me deep you know where.
It was impossible to find a list of your ministers (yours because they are not accessible to me only to you) and their email addresses.
You Mr Abbott are not known from willing to answer any email when I was sending to you in the past. Have you changed your stand? Why you do not publish your email address and all of your ministers on the website. I am not asking for our private but your address as my representative so I can congratulate you a good decision of say that I am disapproved.

You say that you improve energy management.
You lie at that moment. I was sending you so many emails with photos of street lamps by thousands in Adelaide and you never replied thanking me and buying me a new camera to make more photos and a new bicycle so I can go and make more photos. Nor you switched them off.
Now we had in Adelaide a heat wave and many homes suffered a power shortage due to overload. Prime Minister, tell those suffering people that they must be patient because the street lamps which are permanently on on our streets have priority. We must pay for them, they cause power shortage, they cause premature equipment failure and they truly contribute to extra pollution and in 100% unnecessary and avoidable. We have I’ve estimated some 10% of all Adelaide street lamps permanently or semi permanently switched on. That’s lots of power and lots of corruption.

Regarding economy and life.  It seems you have absolutely no idea about what causes what.
In Adelaide apparently there are more than 100 000 public servants. I mean the highly paid officers who only make our life harder.
Mr Abbott. You want desperately impoverish poor people on a dole or disability pension. You do not know what you are doing.
You force them into deeper poverty and desperation. Crime is likely to increase as result. If you have any more intelligence than average, please consider to create an environment that people want to work rather than you force them to work. Perhaps there is no sensible employment opportunity or other problems. Perhaps the government ruined their lives and now wants to screw them entirely.
I will give you one example to see my point.
NNNN is a CEO of MMM council. She gets as I’ve heard up to half a million dollars. Now see for what.
On St and thousands of other streets, dogs cry everyday and for many hours daily. They are neglected and they suffer. They cry for years.
When you call council during a long weekend that it is cruel and negligent to leave the dog and go for long weekend and the dog cries. The emergency number is the only number you can ring, the operator has clear instruction not to accept any report on dogs. You ring the RSPCA, they have no staff and do not want to listen to you but if they listen they declare that in this situation the responsibility if of council. You ring council a few days later in working day and council ignores you. Even when they do not ignore, they ask you to make a barking diary for two weeks. You do not want to hear the brutality and negligence for any more than 20 minutes and they force you to concentrate on cruelty for two weeks. Than the council  takes another two weeks to process your diary, and then send it to the owner and his neighbors to confirm. Than a month later you receive the reply that there is no problem. It is insane and for this insanity she gets half a million. But she does more than that.
She instructs her staff not to stop the cruelty to dogs nor ensure that people around have peace.
When you complain to the Dog and Cat Management Board, they one day agree with you and say that legislation does not allow them to do anything that will stop this cruelty. And another day they tell you that legislation is fine.
Mr Abbott, the Board consisting of many highly paid public and dog servants does nothing positive to dogs nor society. How much they earn? How much you pay for the useless RSPCA? and the salary of just one mentioned CEO can pay for 10-20 or even more pensioners.
Mr Abbott, you are worth your salary whatever they are but only when you understand that one useless public servant will finance many pensioners and perhaps all public servants in line of dog management may pay more than a hundred of pensioners in Adelaide.
Than how many pensioners can be funded when street lamps be switched off during a day in Adelaide?

Mr Abbott, there are many more examples of what can and should be easily changed.

I have to tell you one more thing. It is personal example but it reflects a tragic state of police in SA.

Our police is corrupt in almost 100%.
Police rob society of money and refuse to ensure road safety.
Police lie by saying that speed kills.
Police refuse to care for safety and to fine or take serious action against dangerous drivers. Please do not ask police to reply to me. It will be lie.
Tailgating is the most serious offence and police does it routinely and refuse to fine other drivers for tailgating. I have done the first and only research on tailgating and police refuse to acknowledge and to act upon. The result is that in peek times more than 90% of all drivers on the road tailgate. More than 50% tailgater tailgate by more than twice the agreed distance. The tailgating is less than 2s following distance and more than 50% drivers do less than 1s. And what is extremely serious, the most numerous is the group of extreme tailgater who do 0.2 and even less than 0.1s and even at free way speeds.
Mr Abbott, they should not only lose their licence instantly for ever but be charged for planning murder.
Mr Abbott, our police is not allowed to investigate properly cause of crash. And the dangerous driver is free to drive and kill or injure.
Mr Abbott, for driving 80 in 60 zone and driving through red light and killing bicyclist they get $150 fine. No, it is not punishment for killing innocent person. Government automatically assumes that this dangerous driver did not want to kill (sorry, why then police say on one hand that speed kills and on the other hand says that speeding driver plus crossing when one must not cross did not wanted to kill?) but driver gets fine for an abstract, the colour of the light. It is offence in AU to break the rule but it if fine to kill.
Mr Abbott, One day I’ve installed a car driving recorder. A young lady tail gated me badly. I slowed down every time she created danger by tailgating. She overtook me changing lane but somehow she got to tailgate me several hundreds of meters later. She rang her boyfriend and navigated him to me. He forced stopped me on busy road. Took the key from the car and threw them away into the fields. He said: why you filming my girlfriend….
He ripped off my camera and also threw into the fields. He also threatened me.
I have it all recorded on camera.
After I found the car keys and camera, I immediately drove to nearest police station at Golden Grove. There still very shaken, wanted to report the attack. Two police officers one assuming the officer in charge, refuse to take an account of what happened and showed me the door. I have asked them number of times if they take the report as it happened and they refused.
I eventually reported on another station but officer refused to take the camera as an evidence what is recorded and the finger prints and DNA left on camera.
With difficulties I provided this evidence to a central office.
Many months later and upon many complaints one police officer from Holden Hill rang me telling that the case is closed and nothing was found. No phone conversation between the young lady and her boyfriend, they did not identified her boyfriend and she denies all despite having all on video including precise time. The officer who rang me also warned me not to use video recording camera and also he tried to force his version of the story and refused to accept my version.
Mr Abbott, to be honest the officer who rang me behaved not any better as my perception goes, than the offender who attacked me.
Mr Abbott, the police officers who refused to take report also seem to cooperate with the attacker.
I have complain to police complaints authority and the lady replied to me that she cannot see police doing any wrong.
When I complained to Ombudsman same reply I’ve received. The signature of the PCA and Ombudsman is of same lady.
Mr Abbott, if you sacked those three police officers and whole section of investigation office and the PCA officer and the Ombudsman do you think any worse get on our roads?
Do we need such police?
I believe that SA police simply makes sure that criminals are well off and safe.
Mr Abbott, I have many first hand stories with police. Only a few are good and majority are worth of your attention.

Mr Prime Minister. If I tell you that I have reported the above incident to ICAC and this officer is totally corrupt I will go to prison. Such legislation because it is SA legislation forbidding to disclosure, such legislation ensures a total corruption in SA.

A few weeks ago, I’ve sent to Minister Chris Pyne an email on education and he fail to reply. Does he not read? Does he not write? Or perhaps he has nothing sensible to reply?
I did elaborated there that we should teach children and students of useful things and including units of measure. We must not follow uneducated US government.
Mr Abbott, in US imperial units are used because as Americans say they are too dumb to understand international units. So in common use they have inches which are based on millimetres anyway. Total nonsense.
Lately I went to a car shop wanting to purchase the sealant working within the temperature range. No way I can read. They use F. I do not know what F does mean nor the store sales people. I know it is American temperature.
Mr Abbott, Australia long time ago accepted sensibly the international units of measure. You still allow to import products which does not meet our standard.
It is nonsense.
We must not follow US, they are dying.
They should follow our good management.
The units of measure are not just useful when you say 20m rather than in short as you do 20 metresss. In medicine it is crucial to use a proper units. Just go to health food store or a chemist and see what they do. The tablets are not 10 ug strong they are 10 mcgs strong and who knows what it is ?? Do you know?

There are in Europe some party leaders who reveal the modern democratic corruption. They say that in past time the huge country was governed by 500 administrators. Today this country is half the size and is served by 600 000 public servants and life quality plummet. Same is here. If you Prime Minister allow people to work and consume the fruit of their work, your job will be simpler, easier and rewarding. Not just you but all of us will enjoy a better life. You do not know what is best for me. Than leave me alone. You ensure that police and army works as it should and ask the responsible to pay from own pocket for street lamps.

Will you publish your email and of all you ministers? Please be more accountable.


********* – Tony Abbott

***** – 5 basic lies… (Abbott’s 5 pillars)
The 5 Foundational Pillars of the Christian Faith
Along with many of the early church Fathers,I believe that there are 5 basic, yet necessary truths that each Christian should build their faith upon. These 5 truths are essential to the Christian faith and they define what we believe. These 5 pillars are as follows:

The Sufficiency of Scripture

Jesus Christ’s All-Sufficiency as Lord and Savior

Justification by Faith Alone

The Sufficiency of God’s Grace

The Glory of God
********* – Muslim comments on Obama’s 5 pillars

August 25, 2010

RAA another invitation to cooperate to improve road safety

Filed under: corrupt system — mmistrz @ 9:52 am

Reply to RAA (manager mobility & safety)        21/9/10       (no answer yet)

Good day

I am interested in number of issues (many) of road safety. I cannot say one aspect because there are many and often one is interconnected with another. I treat road safety as a whole.

Sure there must be a starting point somewhere.

My initial contact is to find out anyone truly dedicated and not biased to start the process. I am a long term serious campaigner and I have lots of knowledge and observation in the area. In my quest to improve safety I found no organisation (including RAA) truly interested in improving safety.

If and I repeat if RAA would somehow start a true campaign towards improving safety and free traffic flow, than from your perspective, you would have to find out the causes.

Since I have established number of them, I can share with you. Than there would be appropriate to find out a suggestion and pass it to government along with publishing it for public knowledge and discussion.

I will state in general terms that except a few obvious examples of very extreme dangerous drivers, the government is to take full blame.

I am aware that people say yourself may look strange at such claims. But it is not a speculation, I know it is fact and you can know only if you wish to know.

To give you something to think, please acknowledge that road rules were never created to be known by heart by all drivers.

If anyone try to argue, one has no idea about road safety. I do not expect RAA to argue it’s validity, if you are professional I expect you to recognize it as fact. I am happy to discuss specific problems within the rules and derive with suggestions of proper rules.

Without a proper rules, it cannot be even considered that government do care for safety of public.

My findings and ideas surely are a subject of scrutiny. I do run my own webpage and make my findings a subject for debate or opinion. Your cooperation or non cooperation will also be on my website. Public has right to know what is going on and what are the problems and proposed solutions.

In my opinions RAA should become a road safety campaigner and behave in professional manner regardless if government like it or not.

In the past RAA behaved in way that I call unprofessional and supporting danger on the road. I’d rather concentrate on finding solution and cooperation than condemning you for your past.

By engaging in cooperation with me and perhaps others if they are any, RAA may not only contribute to safety on the roads but also benefit directly through the teaching drivers and advising government.


Road safety campaigner


To RAA Management (open letter) 25/08/10

As a long term road safety campaigner I’ve tried number of times to persuade your road safety officers to cooperate and to lobby the government for a safety rules and practices. I have also wrote to RAA asking for cooperation. Every time you have refused stating that you do support the government. It seems that you as RAA have insufficient understanding of road safety therefore you support the dangerous practices and rules of the government.

Once again I do invite you to join efforts and demand government to improve in radical way the rules and practices for the benefit of the society.

I see that if you agree, that we exchange the opinions of what is wrong and then try together find out best solution.

Present situation is extremely dangerous and unacceptable. I hope RAA is capable to find professionals who do understand those issues and is willing to take action to request government to improve number of key aspects of road and traffic management.

Please acknowledge that this message will appear on internet available for public to read.

Road safety campaigner

May 1, 2010

AMA promotes road safety ??

Filed under: Uncategorized — mmistrz @ 2:04 pm

This email was sent 23 Mar 2010 ,  No reply from AMA. Same thing happened number of times

over the few years. I think that AMA makes only publicity and does not really care for

road safety nor road trauma.


Hi Claudia, I got impression that AMA is representing interests only doctors associated with AMA.

Have I got an impression that you react to me a road safety campaigner as number of people to

religious people knocking their door? You seem to say regardless of what I want, no thanks.

Well, in the past I’ve contacted your organisation number of times and I was treated in similar way and always ignored.

This is my last attempt to see if AMA is interested in cooperating with me in order to improve road safety

not 0nlyto your doctors only but to whole society. Well, you referred me to government, as if you truly

wanted to have nothing to do with a strange self appointed road safety campaigner. Let me say it clearly;

government not only fails society but also acts against the interests of society. So my first and general

question to AMA is: are you interested in cooperation with me for the purpose to improve the road safety

for whole society? Than we may meet and discuss the issues. I already indicated that one of the issues

will surely be the suitability of GP in assessing the fitness to drive safely. I discern unfitness from fitness.

Surely there are number of other factors to be identified, analyzed and the result with recommendations

sent to the government and other relevant organisations. On a general note let me say that I have not

found any organisation truly interested in road safety.

Thanks for prompt reply Sincerely

road safety campaigner

April 27, 2010

Corrupt TTG council

Filed under: Uncategorized — mmistrz @ 8:04 am

Dog mismanagement

Now the officials say that state does not give them power nor legislation to stop dog cruelty and negligence nor to ensure the peace in neighbourhood. Earlier they simply lied and denied the facts. The local government officials not short of insane behaviour. They for instance declare that they are serious on peace and responsible dog ownership, but do everything contrary to that. They made absolutely nothing to prevent dog problems, and they deny any reports on dog problems and finally they dismiss any evidence of problem dogs. I mean any evidence whether it is verbal report, written report, inspector seeing and hearing the problem deny any knowledge and even video evidence is not an evidence to the council.

There is not one specific dog creating a problem in whole council area. Almost all dogs are trouble making. Some owners are intelligent and they minimise the likelyhood of problem and majority are not. Also some dogs are trouble by their nature and other are placid. Nevertheless thousands of dogs in the council area do make problem for neighbourhood and they are also neglected and in many instances this is a serious negligence and cruelty to them.

It is negligence and cruelty when routinely dog is barking for hours without an end from early morning hours, as well as afternoon and late at night even after midnight. If this is going on for days, weeks and years, it is a gross negligence from the owner and from the local and state governments. There is no after hours contact to call and expect the problem is solved. The council instructs the operator of an emergency number not to take reports at all on barking dogs regardless of anything. The RSPCA is also instructed by Rann government not to take notice on barking dogs even when they bark for 3 days non stop.

It is then the conspiracy to let dogs and neighbourhood to suffer.

In any case it is not management, it is negligence and cruelty to animals and serious health risk to all neighbourhood. Chronic stress is a major contributor to sleep problem, to productivity loss, irritability and road crashes as well as immunity weakness and illness including cancers and also what was recently published, scientists have shown beyond any doubt that chronic stress cause brain cells to die.

All that is absolutely unnecessary and it shows a corruption because government allocate and consume lots of public money yet fail to deliver. It is corruption because it fails in principle to manage rather than mismanage anything they have responsibility and here is dog issue.

Some time ago the current lord Mayor came to see the problem herself and she did absolutely nothing to improve the situation for years she is in highest position.

The mentally ill owner of two noisy dogs was told by the council inspector to make his dogs quiet because they literally chased the neighbour away, he had to sleep in friends place because the dogs were barking non stop for about 3 days. The mentally ill owner got shock from hearing the complaint and called the ambulance and got taken on stretches to hospital for 24 hours. Dogs were left locked inside alone and were barking all that time. The council officially stated afterwards that one has no knowledge of any problem with dogs there.

Can they behave in more insane way?

Same mentally ill dog owner lately called police twice in one night including after midnight accusing his neighbour for deliberately provoking the dogs. Police while visiting the neighbour immediately suggested to complain the next morning to the council as the owner is known to police for years to have inability to control his dogs and in fabricating stories.

This is also not an evidence to TTG council that the owner is not fit to have the dogs nor care for them as he cannot care for himself.

Lately the manager Chris Buckley and Craig Hicks  have blamed the state for lack of legislation allowing council to act in powerful manner.

The Customer service Co ordinator Ross O’Callaghan received the video evidence and briefing that it is mismanagement, negligence, cruelty and health risk and nuisance to neighbours. There is no reaction from her nor from the council.

The CEO Di Rogowski of the council refused to make and appointment to hear the problem.

The Lord Mayor Miriam Smith also for over a week made no appointment to face the situation

Is it a management or mismanagement and corruption?

27/4/10  After a week of waiting for an interview with Lord Mayor, I have paid a visit to the office to ask for the interview. Instead (as usually) Mr Craig Hicks came and promised to reply. Here is his reply.

Dear Mr (personal details omitted)

I am aware that you have an issue with an alleged barking dog at XX. As per previous conversations I would request that you follow the process as set down for all complaints of this type,

and that is that you fill in a “barking dog diary”. This is a process which Council has used for a number of years. We are obliged to treat all complaints using a similar process and therefore in your instance we require you to follow this process.

Following your telephone call on 19 April complaining that the dog was barking at that time, a Council officer attended XX at 9.09am and remained in the street for a period of approximately 1 hour. He

deliberately slammed the door of the car, the boot etc to see if the dogs would react. They did not react. During the initial time at the house ie the first 30 minutes he did not notice anything unusual as the dogs were not barking. He also did a door knock of local residents which revealed that there was not an issue for them regarding the dog at XX. When he was conducting the door knock the dogs did bark off and on but this is not unusual given that he was knocking on doors near by.

One person who said that they might have complained noted that that over the last 3-4 weeks the dogs had improved and it was not an issue for them.

I also understand that you have an issue with other dogs in the area namely YYY which is some considerable distance (approx 100 metres in a straight line) from your home in Arthur Street.

With regard to this latest complaint I again need to request that you complete a barking dog diary before Council will take further action.


Manager, Development & Compliance

City of Tea Tree Gully


Mr Hicks,

I paid a visit to the council to check why for a week the Lord Meyor have not informed me when she want to have a short interview with me. You instead saw me and gave reply instead securing the interview.

Your reply is nothing but an excuse of inaction. It is irrational approach. You say in your email to me that there is an allegation that dog at XX is barking… How can you say so when you have a video evidence for that?

Mr Hicks, it is illogical of what you do and the TTG council. You collectively do absolutely nothing to prevent such problems and now you dare to say that it is alleged… You dare to say that it is alleged but verbally you say that you have no power to act because the state does not provide with right legislation.

Further you request me to do the barking diary. It is insane to make such request. It is only to make sure no dog management is to be done. You are paid to manage and you do the barking diary if you believe it make sense. Also do add to insanity of such idea, please acknowledge that the problem is a problem for neighbourhood and for the dogs themselves. It is insane to allow such cruelty and negligence to the dog for any length of time and you want weeks of that. By the way you dirty tricks have no end. In the past you simply rejected such barking diary. Barking diary, stupid invented and stupid will do it.

You state that on 19th of April the inspector came over and observed the dog for an hour and nothing happened. What you want to say by that? Have you seen the video given to Ross O’Callahan showing hours of barking? And similar evidence on other occasions? Isn’t it sufficient? If not, than I suggest, let the inspector spend whole week there.

Door knocking is doomed to fail from the start. Only two factors may explain that. Every second house hold does have a dog. No neighbour usually want to say anything against their neighbour. And there are surely many other factors.

Well Mr Hicks when your council have instructed the emergency number attendant not to take reports of barking dogs at midnight or even after 1am, than please give me your phone number, I ring you when it happen, come immediately and witness your self. Well the 9pm to 1:30am barking non stop if you allege that you have no evidence that this is cruelty and negligence, than I do not want to communicate with you any more. And regardless of your believes, you have done nothing, I mean nothing to ensure this is unlikely. It is an offence to refer to my report as an allegation while you have done absolutely nothing to ensure it is unlikely. Have you checked with dog psychologist? Have you checked if the dog is well cared and exercised? And so on and on.

Mr Hicks, another nonsense what you say regarding the next dog you mention. What any distance has do do with dog management? Are you trying to say that you have no idea what dog management does mean?

It is irrelevant where I live and where the dog is kept. If I witness number of times and for a period of time that dog is neglected, this is is an issue and not where I live.

Be sensible and concentrate on dog management.

This is not personal but public issue and please learn that this is made available for public knowledge along with whole council. It is to stamp out the corruption. Yes the public will evaluate you performance as a team and individually.

As it stand, the TTG has no policy, nor working mechanism to manage effectively the dogs and their owners. As I suggested, if you have not enough power, rules or legislations, rather than to deceive public, please request the state to allow you the necessary power.

I still insist to see the Lord Mayor and please know that it is unprofessional nor fair to refuse me for what I request. I only want a few minutes to let her know about the situation.

As I read your message and write this reply, all doors and windows must be closed because one of the dogs mentioned by you is barking for number of hours. I do not care if your inspector is there or not.

I attach the document what RSPCA propose for non responsible dog owners who do not take dog for a walk at least 3 times a day.



Walk the dog or face a fine: RSPCA

5th December 2009

RADICAL new laws being proposed by the RSPCA could punish dog owners for not walking their pets.

Under the legislation, they would have to regularly exercise dogs, ensure animals are not kept chained up and give their pets adequate food and water, News Ltd newspapers say.

If the proposal became law, dog and cat owners across Australia would face prosecution and fines of up to $12,000 for animal cruelty, and magistrates could consider jail in extreme circumstances.

Dr Hugh Wirth, head of RSPCA Victoria, is one of four experts the Federal Department of Agriculture’s welfare division has appointed to draft national animal welfare guidelines.

“The draft will tell people what they have to do rather than what they want to do,” Dr Wirth said. “The new standards would be regulatory, therefore a breach of the standards is a breach of the law.”

The proposed new laws are designed to formalise the national code, which states dogs must be walked at least once a day.

Dr Wirth said jail sentences would not be handed out for a first offence, but it would something available for magistrates to consider.

The proposed laws would be designed to help overcome the problems animal inspectors have had penalising bad owners. The working party is designed to create a national standard, but ultimately the laws would be have to be passed by state governments.

April 11, 2010

Corrupt Universities

Filed under: Uncategorized — mmistrz @ 3:29 am

Let me share my experience and observations.

Corrupt mean broken, malfunctioning and often they are that way due to ill intentions of management and politics. Monetary gains are often also involved.

Here I want to say that I as most people thought that universities are the institutions helping the nation to discover the truth, to educate citizens in truth and to lead through an example. Everything nobel should find it’s place at universities. What I discovered that universities have less and less in common with truth, with objectivity, with serving the nation but more to do with aggression, with corruption, waste of public money, nonsense and anti-social practices.

I’ve discovered that all that is possible due to corrupt government which allow and protect universities which are uncontrollable and one may say beyond the law.

A few years from now I’ve made an interview with a senior lecturer at Adelaide Uni. Came to the reception desk and was led to the office of the staff in concern. He asked me about my name (did not know with whom he is having an interview???) and then if I am a student of this uni. When he heard that I am not a student, he immediately exploded and started to abuse me, shouting that I am a liar and picked a phone to call security saying loudly what he is doing. I simply and calmly asked him: what are you doing and why?

He stood frozen for a moment and dropped receiver and started to justify himself. His justification was uncomprehensible and he shouted and waved his arms near me. I assessed that he is irrational and likely mentally deranged and may hurt me, so I without a word turned on my heal and started to walk out. I turned to a general reception to complain on his abuse and also to inform that he is mentally deranged. He caught me in the reception and started to shout loudly humiliating me and expelling me out. I immediately entered the security office on campus and reported to the senior security officer. The officer despite promise was not interested in the abuse but in who I am and recorded whole interview on video tape. He promised to investigate thoroughly and let me know on result. I made it clear that I want an apology and sorting out with mental state of the offending staff.

Number of weeks passed and nobody contacted me. When I enquired the security, the very senior staff who interviewed me, told me that the case is closed and the tape disappeared.

I contacted the vice chancellor with complaint but she replied that there was nothing wrong done by any of her staff and that she dismiss the case.

I contacted police but they refused to take a report of abuse and insult because university is under special privilege of the parliament. The Minister Jane Lomax Smith also ignored everything.

Let me conclude. Adelaide Uni, employ the mentally unstable staff which is aggressive. Uni denies natural justice and acts in most unprofessional manner. The uni security is ordered to support this corruption rather than to be objective and seek the peace and order. I mean if lecturer offend, abuse or otherwise attack the student it is ok.  The SA government clearly sets the system to be corrupt and universities to be beyond the law.  Well now I have right to declare that Adelaide Uni is a place of aggression, mental derangement, injustice and corruption.

Mike Rann also support the above.

A few months ago in my quest for improving road safety, I found that Adelaide University has a Road Safety Research unit and also I found that it is corrupt. I tried to contact the head of the unit but she was very unapproachable and unwilling to cooperate. Namely I found that the published papers contain gossip in place of specific results of study. I wanted to inform the management that this looks like wasting of public money and hence corruption because their waste of money does not contribute to road safety.

Assuming that such a study would be complex and expensive I actually devised and conducted my own study and produced accurate results. I offered my results and method for free to the uni but they refused to acknowledge and turned ugly. Complaining to ever higher management, finally I’ve received a response from the vice chancellor accusing me of things I’ve not done. The previous his letter was prommising that he will conduct a proper investigation according to a natural justice. He used a fabrication and closed the matter without any means to reply.

I have to clearly state that the secretary of the second in ranking manager have acted in similarly irrational manner as above described. When she saw me in a corridor heading towards her counter she shouted to me that I have to leave this room immediately or she call the security.  Let me explain that I was just walking and intended to ask her of something. She did not greeted me, nor asked of the reason of my visit but instead simply tried to intimidate me.  Later they have accused me of misbehavior.

Now let me conclude this incident.  My issue was an allegation that university engage in wide spread corruption.  Management have done everything not to see me. They have tried and did offended and abused me. They lied and fabricated story about my misbehaviour. They abuse their power.  The vice chancellor lies and refuse the natural justice and cuts our unilaterally any way of communication.

Overall, it does definitely mean that they are aware of the corruption and they want to cover it up.  Government is also supporting this corruption and aggression. Well in this case the matter initially was a public safety on the roads. The whole story indicate that government is determined not to improve road safety on our roads.

March 10, 2010

Australia support Chinese corruption; Paypal-Tootoomart

Filed under: Uncategorized — mmistrz @ 12:20 pm

Very cheap and very large capacity memory stick, who does not want it?

The problem is that it does not exist yet for some time to come. How could I buy such a non existing  thing? I reasoned (now I know wrongly) that most gadgets today is produced in China these days and it is possible to get a pre-release or with a minor problem like speed or something. And as usually you expect to buy cheaper in China.

Buying through an internet and paying with paypal  gave me a false sense of security. Here it is how it happened in brief.

Seeking on internet a large and cheap memory stick I found the Chineese equivalent of ebay, the Tootoomart. They advertised a monster 500GB at very attractive price in lots of 10. I decided to buy. What came was as shown a thing used to be a small and obsolete memory stick rigged by the programmer to fool the system that it is large. So when you plug in the computer it shows 360GB but it holds nothing.  It is perfectly non functional thing. One thing it does, it shows it’s fake memory. It does not even store you 1kB and an attempt crashes computer. I immediately requested Tootoomart to stop selling them and advertising them and to refund what I paid. They pointed to the Chinese seller who admitted fraud by offering to repay me partially and I refused. Tootoomart continue selling those fake things and advertising them. Now it is clear that both the fraudulant seller and Tootoomart do open fraud. I have notified Chineese officials and this caused one spam but polite. The Chinese government have passed my email to a prospecting business and they sent me a spam.

Than I turned to Kingston which confirmed that such devices do not exist but they have done nothing to stop a fraud which use their name. It seems somewhat as Kingston would not mind that China use the Kingston label on fake devices.

Next thing was more serious, I turned to paypal to refund my money and demand Tootoomart stop selling and advertising fake things in an open fraud. Paypal showed me their back. Paypal does not care if the fraud is done using their financial system. Therefore the fraud is possible thanks to financial help of Paypal.

I argue that myself and potentially number of people would not decided to buy a fraudulant things if Paypal would not offer it’s “secure” services.

I then contacted Australian federal politicians and they help nothing, they have not even tried. Does Australian Federal Government support Chineese fraud? Yes, one does.

That’s not the end of the saga. The Tootoomart keeps spaming me and no minister in China nor in Australia care to change it.

Let me show the problem in different way.

The thief have robbed you and than spam you with the products one stole. You cannot stop or block but see them everyday. You contact police only to learn that police gave lift to the thief, you contact the bank which ignore you and count the money the thief bring them in. You contact politicians and they do not have to answer or they cannot do anything. At the end of the day, you happily enjoy the vied of goods you used to own and now are offered to you at low price.

This is happening in democratic Australia, this is happening in the name of Globalisation  and transparency.

This is only possible if society allow that.

Soon I may include the names and specifics of the politicians and other officials taking part in this saga.

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